Change can be difficult, but in times of transition, we believe that media representation and art can truly make a difference by helping us spread new ideas and perspectives.
We use our art gallery to normalize all human bodies and functions, and to foster self-love, understanding and compassion into our lives.
Vulvas, periods, stretch marks and hair find a loving home on our website, as we are reminded that our worth does not depend on the sexist values carried out by our patriarchal society.
Our platform also aims at shining a light on the work of various feminist artists and hopefully support their career.
See MoreInformation is Power. Unfortunately, information about female sexual health and pleasure has been cruelly missing from our education in the past.
This imbalance stems from the profound sexism of our society, who always encouraged sexual activities and freedom for men while shaming women for wanting the same.
But there can be no real freedom nor equality while half of the population is not in charge of their bodies and pleasure.
We hope to empower all people by spreading the tools needed for a healthy, safe, pleasurable and consensual sex life.
See MoreWhile art and education remain essential, we can have a direct impact on the life of many by funding the work of pre-existing organizations dedicated to helping them.
For this reasons, Vulva Glow is committed to donate 15% of all our profits to a set of trustworthy associations.
You can support our work by buying some of our beautiful merchandise, or by donating directly to the associations we partner with.
Here under you will find a -non-exhaustive- list of the associations we support and donate our profits to. Feel free to visit their page and support them directly!

"I ask no favor for my sex.
All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks."
- Sarah Moore Grimke